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A Guide To Glow Like The Sun This Season: Summer Skin Care Tips And Tricks

A Guide To Glow Like The Sun This Season: Summer Skin Care Tips And Tricks

A Guide To Glow Like The Sun This Season: Summer Skin Care Tips And Tricks


Protect your skin from the gloriously hot and brutal rays of the sun with these cues for your summer skincare routine.

Tips for summer skincare routine.

Last week, when I called my mom over to help me put all of my cashmere sweaters and pashmina shawls away for next winter, and colour-coordinate (don’t even ask!) all the bikinis in my closet, it hit me that sweating away in the scorching sun also calls for a change in my skincare routine. The idea of updating our beauty regimen after perfecting a winter skincare regime sounds tedious, it is essential that we get our armour up to have fun in the sun. Let’s be honest, with the sun shining upon us in all its glory, we are bound to face some skin-related issues. Oily skin gets even more greasy and dry skin gets patchy, and every morning seems to bring with it a new pimple.

Evidently, SPF is crucial during the warmer months, though it’s not the only thing that our skin may need to complete our hydrating, protective, glow-inducing arsenal. Whether you are planning your annual summer vacation with the girls, driving to work, now that WFH has become a thing of the past or prepping to step out for a lunch date, it is essential that you have your summer skincare in place to have the best summer skin yet. Here are a few cues that could be great additions to your beauty routine for the summer.

Apply sunscreen often

Summer skincare - apply sunscreen.

Remember the beach vacation you took with your parents when you were around ten years old? Do you recall the hours you spent on the beach that resulted in a mind-numbing sunburn? Ouch. Whether you are going out on a shopping spree or staying at home and powering through a cleaning spree, the most important yet basic tip is to wear sunscreen. Dermatologists and experts have repeatedly stressed the importance of a broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher on all exposed skin. Don’t forget about hands, feet, ears and lips. Experts have also mentioned that contrary to what Gwenyth Paltrow says, applying “a very light layer of sunscreen to the bridge of her nose and underneath her eyes just won’t do. In fact, lathering your face and neck with half a teaspoon and a full teaspoon for limbs and then reapplying every couple of hours is imperative.

Keep moisturising.

Keep moisturizing the skin.

Sorry to mention this, but the extra layer of sweat on your face does not pass as a moisturiser. Even if the humidity and hot weather may make your skin feel oily, moisturising post-cleansing is a must. According to experts, moisturisers reestablish the outermost layer of the skin which can be damaged due to harmful pollutants and chemicals. In case you have oily skin, you can opt for a gel-based moisturiser like Clinique’s Moisture Surge and if your skin is dry apply a moisturiser with a thicker consistency such as the Cetaphil moisturising cream. Even better if your moisturiser happens to have SPF.

Go lighter on the makeup.

Summer skincare - apply light makeup.

Classy ladies don’t sweat through their makeup. So, heavy makeup is definitely a no-no. Caking our faces with war paint also prevents our skin from breathing, add to that the humidity which is the number one contributor to clogging pores. Hence, this summer ditch your heavy foundations and powder-based products and swap them with tinted moisturisers and lip balms in your everyday makeup routine. Using organic products from Indian labels may also be beneficial since their ingredients would be made keeping in mind the Indian skin types.

Use makeup with SPF

Summer skincare use makeup with spf.

Slathering a layer of sunscreen on top of your impeccably-applied blush contour might not sound very appealing. But if you are attending an outdoor event, you can’t forego the essential layer of protection. Tinted moisturisers with SPF such as the Smashbox halo healthy glow tinted moisturiser with SPF 25, are the best lightweight solution to give you the accurate amount of coverage required. To touch-up when necessary, sunscreen powders are the way to go. Travel-friendly and easily applicable these powders like the Lakme sun expert ultra matte resemble a compact with a touch of sunscreen and are a perfect addition to your summer skincare routine.

Exfoliate once or twice a week

Summer skincare - exfoliate skin twice a week.

Anything in excess can leave you with negative consequences. Fact. And while, exfoliating is a skincare step that we have been repeatedly told to keep in check, summertime warrants for a gradual increase in the number of days we exfoliate per week. Specifically, if you have oily skin, experts recommend that you incorporate more exfoliation in your summer skincare regime, to open up blocked pores and remove oil that results in acne. Although, word of caution: this doesn’t mean a daily dose of all your favourite acids. Murad’s Environmental Shield Vita-c Triple Exfloiater and Clinique’s exfoliating scrub are some of the best in the game.

Apply Vitamin C serum

Summer skincare - Vitamin C is a great addition.

Vitamin C is a great addition to your skincare all around the year. It brightens and evens skin tone as well as reduces lines and wrinkles, in addition to this, it provides protection from the effects of photodamage. It is applied after the cleanser and before the moisturiser. Applying SPF, in the mornings, post the serum is also essential to prevent sun damage. Dermatologists suggest that it is best to keep a gradual approach when it comes to active ingredients such as Vitamin C and start slowly integrating the product into your skincare routine. Mamaearth’s skin illuminate face serum with vitamin C and turmeric and the O3+ professional vitamin C serum glow with glycolic acid is highly recommended.

Self-tan for a healthy glow

Summer skincare - self tan for a healthy glow.

Instead of basking in the sun’s glory this season, incorporate using self-tanner to look like a glowing goddess. Sunbathing or laying on a tanning bed with the UV rays penetrating your skin from every corner is without a doubt, the one-way road to skin cancer. Hence, applying a tanning serum or lotion is the best solution to fooling people into believing that you spent the entire summer sipping piña coladas by the beach.

Wear sun-protective accessories and clothing

Summer skincare - wear sun protective accessories.

Let’s circle back to 2019 and recall the $480 massive hat that Kylie Jenner wore on a vacation. While you may have perceived it to be a prop for her Instagram picture, in reality, she was just trying to shelter herself from the sun. Learning from her, let’s remember to add a hat as an accessory to our OOTDs. Fabrics such as cotton and linen are summer staples due to their ability to be light and not cling to the body, thereby preventing rashes. Pro tip: look for UV protected sunnies if you don’t want premature crow’s feet because of squinting

Wash your face — but not constantly

Summer skincare - wash face once in a while.

Cleansing your face twice a day should be the norm. Even though your skin might feel oily with every passing day into the season, washing your face repeatedly may cause the natural oils of your skin to strip away, leaving a patchy and scaly-looking result. People with dry skin should use a gel-based cleanser like Bioderma’s Sebium Gel Moussant Purifying Cleansing Foaming Gel and for oily skin, a cleanser such as Neutrogena’s deep clean foaming cleanser should be able to remove the dirt and grime from pores. Also ensure that the cleanser is mild, alcohol-free and pH balanced.


Summer Sunscreen myths.

Q.What should you apply on your face in summer?

A. A combination of products can be used to build up your summer skincare routine. The best mix of products can lean towards water-based formulations for combination to oily skin-types. For a basic foundational routine, layer calming toners, followed by vitamin C to cancel out pigmentation and then finish off with sunscreen.

Q.How can I get glowing skin in summer?

A.The key to achieving glowy skin in the summer is to add a punch of antioxidants into your diet. Along with that, ensure that you keep your body hydrated and drink around 1 litre -2 litres of water per day. And remember, don’t skip out on sunscreen.

Q.How can I hydrate my skin in summer?

A.The best way to prevent your skin from dehydration in the summer is to ensure that your diet consists of the right amount of minerals and vitamins. The addition of hydrating toners such as rose water or natural moisturisers like aloe vera can also help.

Q.Can you use vitamin C serum in the summer?

A.Yes, you can definitely use vitamin C serum in the summer. In fact, it can be used throughout the year as it prevents skin damage and boosts collagen production, keeping the skin looking healthy and fresh.

Q.Which oil is best for skin in summer?

A.During the summer, light oils such as jojoba oil, lavender oil, rosehip oil and grapeseed oil can be used. Since these oils do not have a heavy consistency, they do not clog pores, instead, they hydrate your skin.

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